Public Relations

Public Relations

Our goal is to help your nonprofit develop and execute a comprehensive Public Relations strategy to achieve your goals and communicate your mission to a wider audience. A good PR strategy should include a comprehensive media,  social media, and influencer marketing components that work together in tandem to amplify the organization’s message. This service includes analyzing your target audiences, a media audit along with tools for crisis management, community relations, and creating a personalized strategy to build awareness and your audience. 

We will begin by working with you to conduct a thorough analysis of your organization's current media presence, audiences on social media, as well as discuss media opportunities and audiences you aspire to reach.
We will work with you to develop a full campaign strategy that aligns with your organization's mission and goals, and that is tailored to the target audiences. Strategies can target multiple disciplines including digital and media, social media, and influencer marketing.
Social Media
We will create a social media content calendar that will guide the creation, promotion and distribution of content across multiple platforms. We will develop a variety of content formats such as text, images, videos, live-streams, and stories that will effectively communicate your organization's message and mission across all platforms. We will create a distribution plan that will ensure that your content reaches your target audience, by optimizing your social media accounts, creating engaging posts and ads, and leveraging paid ads. We will provide guidance on how to measure and analyze the performance of your social media efforts, and provide regular reporting and analysis of key metrics.
We will leverage any news worthy announcements and events to pitch media and encourage coverage. We will media train and coordinate interview with the press and a company spokesperson Will monitor coverage to ensure news accuracy. We will provide guidance on how to measure and analyze key metrics for media coverage.
Influencer Marketing
We will begin by working with you to conduct a thorough analysis of your organization's current audiences on social media, as well as do an audit of any media coverage in the past year.
We will work with you to develop a media, social, and influencer strategy that aligns with your organization's mission and goals, and that is tailored to the target audiences.
We will monitor vet, as well as reach out and contract digital creators for the campaign. Contracts will include any fees required, as well as list deliverables requested from the creator. This also includes social platforms they are required to post on, as well as comprehensive metrics of the post performance.
We will coordinate with your organization any products or services to send to the creator, in order for them to develop content for the campaign.
We will manage and give edits of content drafts from the creator, as well as schedule with them posting windows. Note: drafts are reviewed to make sure the creator is on brand, as well as properly tags the organization and uses the proper hashtags for the campaign.
After all content is published, we will provide analytics of how each influencer’s content performed.
Event Management
We will help plan branded events, including announcements, annual galas and fundraisers, and influencer marketing events.

Timeline: 3-6 months 


  • Review of current media presence
  • Editorial strategy and calendar creation
  • Review of current social media presence
  • Content strategy and calendar creation
  • Use of various content types like videos, infographics, live streams, and photos
  • Distribution plan to reach target audience
  • Regular analysis of engagement, reach, and follower growth
  • Advertising plan and management (if needed)
  • Account setup, staff training, crisis management plan (if necessary)
  • Event planning and execution (if needed)

Note: The scope of work is a general outline of the project, and may be subject to change based on further discussion with the client.